Re: Susi's request for Kate and family-- they need some help! We have raised $650 from about 20 people which is great, but it would be great to send more, to help Kate get to and from Idaho (with gas and the car breaking down -- anyone know a mechanic willing to donate time in Spokane?), and help her take care of her son and herself, too.
I know way more than 20 folks check the blog: can you make meals and bring them if you're in the area? Or fix a car? Or donate (even just $5)?
I know way more than 20 folks check the blog: can you make meals and bring them if you're in the area? Or fix a car? Or donate (even just $5)?
Or-- someone put this up as a comment, but I wanted to have it in a post, since it's such a good idea!-- people could donate an Amazon fresh gift card (, that could help with getting groceries... or some sort of grocery delivery service (does Safeway have delivery there?) I also found this:
It is also probably worth asking around to caregiver support groups in the are what resources are available as well. I realize most of them may be geared towards elderly but it's worth asking!
Angel Food Ministries (if there is one in their area) might be helpful as well.
Elizabeth (Shaver) Ruh
Thanks Alison for reiterating my post/plea in a MUCH better shorter post - some people eat a lot when they're stressed, some people get really crabby at everyone - I write too much - obviously!
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